Merger Update - Routine Appointment Availability

We are now entering the phase whereby Temple House and St Augustine’s clinical systems, phone systems and rotas will be brought together. The date to merge our clinical systems is 17th April 2024.

Our focus over the Easter period and during this transition will need to be on emergency and urgent same day care, and we thank your patience whilst there are temporarily less routine pre-bookable appointments available.  During the upcoming Easter period we often prioritise urgent appointments due to staff leave, to ensure that all our patients receive timely care and attention. This year this period will be extended to the middle of April due to this clinical system change over.

We understand that this may disrupt routine appointment booking, and for that, we sincerely apologise. Our aim is always to provide the best possible service to our patients, and we recognise that this change may cause some temporary inconvenience. Where possible we are contacting patients who may be waiting for a follow up appointment to book them a slot as slots become available.

Please rest assured that this adjustment is both necessary and temporary, and we will resume our normal booking procedures as soon as possible after this transitional period.

Kate Parkins

Practice Manager