Meet the team

St Augustine's Medical Practice is made up of a range of healthcare professionals who help you with your health needs.

Our friendly and helpful team are here to help you manage your health and wellbeing, and make sure you have access to healthcare services in the local area.

Meet our team below.

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Dr Philippa Walker

Associate Doctor

Working Days: Wednesday + Friday.

Read more about Dr Philippa Walker

Elderly Care, Palliative Care & Women’s Health.

Dr Kerensa Branfoot

Associate Doctor

Working Days: Monday & Wednesday.

Read more about Dr Kerensa Branfoot

Falls & Frailty.

Dr Eli Archer

Associate Doctor

Working Days: Tuesday PM, Thursday AM and Friday AM.

Read more about Dr Eli Archer

Contraception & Women's Health

Dr Stephanie Meats

Associate Doctor

Working Days: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday.

Read more about Dr Stephanie Meats

Medical Education.

Dr Mark Warlow

Associate Doctor

Working Days: Monday & Wednesday.


Nursing Team

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We have a great team of Nurses.  

Our health care assistants take bloods and perform ECGs, administer injections, perform annual long term condition reviews and much more.

Our treatment room nurses administer immunisations, remove stitches, perform cervical smears, dressings and much more. we have nurses who specialise in contraception advice, asthma, COPD, diabetes and other long term conditions. 

Our senior nurses can help with most things that a GP can, and are able to prescribe. Our advanced nurse practitioner specialises in contraception and implants.

Allied Health Professionals

Pharmacy Team

Rachel Chong, Roz Perkins & Hannah Cheek

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Our Pharmacy team work across all Keynsham practices and can help with medication queries, side effects to medication, alternatives when items are out of stock, and much more

Care Coordinators

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We have 5 Care Coordinators,  they work closely with GP’s and practice teams to bring together all the information about a persons identified care and support needs, to manage and achieve better health care outcomes through the creation of individual support and care plans. They do this by creating links between the practice, enabling support, signposting, and referral to other services. They provide time and expertise to support people in making the choices that are right for them, with the aim being to improve quality of life.

You can ask any member of our team to refer you to our care co-ordinator.

Support staff

Management Team

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Practice Managers

Kate Parkins

Rebekah Wakefield-Greatorex 

Deputy Practice Managers

Helen Trueman

Stacey Poole

Administration Leads

Julie Harvey

Charlie Macer

Lead Care Coordinator / Research & Safeguarding Administrator

Cheryl Garland

Our management team oversee the running of the practice, premises and staff. 

Medical Secretaries

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Our Medical Secretaries support our clinicians by processing medical correspondence and managing referrals to secondary care and community services.

They also process requests for access to medical records and medical reports. They deal with queries from patients, hospitals, community care, the registry office, and other outside agencies, they function as an important liaison between patients and the clinicians.

Reception and Admin Team

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Our growing team of Medical Receptionists / Administrators perform a wide range variety of administrative tasks to support the practice, including answering queries and booking appointments. They are the first point of contact for all patients and visitors.

Our receptionists are trained to obtain a brief reason for your call as their may be an alternative professional to help you with your problem.

In addition to the wide range of services provided by allied health professionals in the practice, there are many in the local area for example, physiotherapy, community pharmacy, podiatry, MIND, talking therapies or urgent eye care service. 

These alternative services may be quicker meaning you may not need to see the GP at all. Of course, you do not have to do this, but it would help us to help you and other patients.

Please be patient with our staff, as a Practice we are very aware that calling or visiting your GP can, at times, be stressful and concerning for patients. Delays in obtaining appointments and delays in surgery times, due to unforeseen emergency demand, can also add to these concerns.

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment online to see your GP or one of our nurses.